Report Languages

You can choose the languages for a report.

You can specify the report language on the run options page, in the report properties, or in your preferences. When you run a report, the language specified in the report properties is used. When it is not specified in the report properties, the language in your preferences is used.

You can run a report using the default language View, Run, or Open a Report, select a different language for a single run of the report Set Report Options for the Current Run, or select more than one language for a report Setting advanced report options for the current run.

You can add multilingual properties for each of the entries in the portal Add Multilingual Properties. You can specify the default language to be used when a report is run Set Default Report Options.

Selecting a language for your report does not change the language used in the portal. You can change the language used in the portal interface by personalizing the portal Personalize the Portal. All shortcuts to a report acquire the default language from the source entry.

When a report runs, the report server connects to the underlying data source to obtain data. When using an SAP BW data source, if the SAP BW server does not support the language associated with your content locale, IBM Cognos Business Intelligence checks a locale map for a corresponding locale. If the SAP BW server supports the language for the corresponding locale, this language is used. Otherwise, the report runs using the default language installed on the SAP BW server.

To specify the report language, you must have read and write permissions for the report and traverse permissions for the folder that contains the report Access Permissions and Credentials.

The package used to create the report must contain multilingual data before the report outputs are shown in the selected languages. For more information about packages, see Packages.